Toine Daas & Willy Daas - Schneijderberg
Telefoon - Fax: 0031 (0) 168404056
postadres: Noordhoeksedijk 15 4759 CA NOORDHOEK Netherlands
Webmanager: A.M.A.J. Daas
Nook Championship
Competition list
WDSF Senior I Open Standard
WDSF Senior II Open Standard
WDSF Senior III Open Standard
WDSF Senior IV Open Standard
WDSF Senior I Open Latin
WDSF Senior II Open Latin
NADB Senior I Deb. Standard
NADB Senior IA, IB Standard
NADB Senior IIA, IIB Standard
NADB Senior IIIA Standard
All competition Open to the world
Under rules WDSF & NADB
WDSF Senior II Open Standard
WDSF Senior III Open Standard
WDSF Senior IV Open Standard
All competition Open to the world &
Under rules WDSF & NADB
NADB Debutanten 1, 2, 3 4 Standard
NADB Debutanten 1, 2, 3 4 Latin
NADB Adult C, B, A & Hfd. Kl. Standard
NADB Adult B, A & Hfd. Kl. Latin
NADB 10 Dance competition
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